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Resolver Specs

Resolvers may implement any subset of the record types specified here. Where a record types specification requires a resolver to provide multiple functions, the resolver MUST implement either all or none of them.

Resolvers MUST specify a fallback function that throws.

Resolvers must implement ERC-165 interface detection standard. supportsInterface method must return if the interfaceID queried is simply equal to the signature hash of the function that resolves the desired resource record.

Contract address​

Provides the contract address for the specified domain.

function addr(bytes32 node) returns (address);
  • node: the namehash of the domain to query for.
  • Returns the contract address of the specified domain. A zero address is returned if the node has no address specified.

When updated emits

event AddrChanged(bytes32 indexed node, address a);

Interface ID: 0x3b3b57de

Specification: EIP-137

Resolution protocol:

  1. Query the resolver address to the registry.
  2. Query addr to the resolver contract.
  3. Check for non zero-address response.

No modifications to the adoption of this protocol.

Multicoin address​

Add multiple addr fields for resolvers, which permit resolution of addresses across multiple blockchains.

function addr(bytes32 node, uint coinType) external view returns(bytes memory);
  • node: The name hash of the domain to query for.
  • coinType: The cryptocurrency coin type index from SLIP44.
  • Returns the cryptocurency address in its native binary format. A zero-length string is returned if the specified coin ID does not exist on the specified node.

Detailed descriptions of the binary encodings for several popular chains are provided in the Address Encoding section of EIP-2304.

When updated emits

event AddressChanged(bytes32 indexed node, uint coinType, bytes newAddress);

Specification: EIP-2304

Interface ID: 0xf1cb7e06

Deprecates: RNSIP-03

Resolution protocol:

  1. Query the resolver address to the registry.
  2. Query addr to the resolver contract with the specified coin type.
  3. Check for non zero-length string response.

Resolvers implementing this interface may utilise a fallback strategy regarding backward compatibility.

  1. Query the resolver address to the registry.
  2. Query addr to the resolver contract with the specified coin type.
  3. If zero-length string is returned, query chainAddr to the resolver contract.
  4. Check for non zero-length string response.


System of mapping names to network and content addresses.

function contenthash(bytes32 node) external view returns (bytes memory);
  • node: the namehash of the domain to query for.
  • Returns a machine-readable multicodec representation of the content address. The format is specified as follows: <protoCode uvarint><value []byte>.

protoCodes and their meanings are specified in the multiformats/multicodec repository.

When updated emits:

event ContenthashChanged(bytes32 indexed node, bytes hash);

Interface ID: 0xbc1c58d1

Specification: EIP-1577

Deprecates: content and multihash fields.

Resolution protocol:

  1. Query the resolver address to the registry.
  2. Query contenthash to the resolver contract.
  3. Check for non zero-length string response.

Resolvers implementing this interface may utilise a fallback strategy regarding backward compatibility.

  1. Query the resolver address to the registry.
  2. Query contenthash to the resolver contract.
  3. If zero-length string is returned, query multihash to the resolver contract.
  4. If zero-length string is returned, query content to the resolver contract.
  5. Check for non zero-length string response.

Contract ABI​

Easy lookup of contract interfaces by callers

function ABI(bytes32 node, uint256 contentType) constant returns (uint256, bytes memory);
  • node: the namehash of the domain to query for.
  • contentType: a bitwise OR of the ABI formats accepted by the caller.
  • Returns the content type of the return value and the ABI data. (0, "") is returned if the domain has no ABI specified, or does not support any of the requested formats.

The currently recognised encodings are described in ABI encodings section EIP-205.

When updated emits:

event ABIChanged(bytes32 indexed node, uint256 indexed contentType);

Notice that the updated content is not emitted. It requires an extra query to get the resource record when logged, but saves gas setting it.

Interface ID: 0x2203ab56

Specification: EIP-205

Resolution protocol:

  1. Query the resolver address to the registry.
  2. Query ABI to the resolver contract with a bitwise OR of the ABI formats accepted by the caller.
  3. Check for a response that is not (0, "").

SECP256k1 public keys​

Permits the lookup of SECP256k1 public keys.

function pubkey(bytes32 node) constant returns (bytes32 x, bytes32 y);
  • node: the namehash of the domain to query for.
  • Returns the coordinates of an uncompressed SECP256k1 curve point comprising the public key. A (0, 0) value is returned if the domain has no pubkey specified.

When updated emits:

event PubkeyChanged(bytes32 indexed node, bytes32 x, bytes32 y);

Interface ID: 0xc8690233

Specification: EIP-619

Resolution protocol:

  1. Query the resolver address to the registry.
  2. Query pubkey to the resolver contract.
  3. Check for non (0, 0) response.

Text records​

Permits the lookup of arbitrary key-value text data.

function text(bytes32 node, string key) constant returns (string text);
  • node: the namehash of the domain to query for.
  • key: the text data key to query.
  • Returns the associated text data. If the key is not present, the zero-length string is returned.

For supported keys refer to the initial recommended keys section of EIP-634.

When updated emits:

event TextChanged(bytes32 indexed node, string indexed indexedKey, string key);

Interface ID: 0x59d1d43c

Specification: EIP-634

Resolution protocol:

  1. Query the resolver address to the registry.
  2. Query text to the resolver contract with the specified key.
  3. Check for non zero-length string response.

Interface discovery​

Defines a method of associating contract interfaces with domains and addresses, and of discovering those interfaces.

function interfaceImplementer(bytes32 node, bytes4 interfaceID) external view returns (address);
  • node: the namehash of the domain to query for.
  • interfaceID: The EIP 165 interface ID to query for.
  • Returns the address of a contract that implements the specified interface for the given domain. A zero-address value is returned if there is no interface matching that interface ID for that node.

When updated emits:

event InterfaceChanged(bytes32 indexed node, bytes4 indexed interfaceID, address implementer);

Interface ID: 0xb8f2bbb4

Specifitcation: EIP-1844

Resolution protocol:

  1. Query the resolver address to the registry.
  2. Query interfaceImplementer to the resolver contract with the specified interface ID.
  3. Check for non zero-address response.

Resolvers implementing this interface may utilise a fallback strategy. This strategy has nothing to do with backward compatibility.

  1. Query the resolver address to the registry.
  2. Query interfaceImplementer to the resolver contract with the specified interface ID.
  3. If zero-address string is returned, query addr to the resolver contract and query supportsInterface to the given contract address.
  4. Check for non zero-address response.
Last updated on by Wisdom Nwokocha